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Strong Chiropractic

224 Commercial St, North Sydney, NS, Canada


At Strong Chiropractic, our goal is to improve the quality of life for our clients. We accomplish this by focusing on best chiropractic practices and hands-on healing therapies.

Strong Chiropractic offers our clients a positive approach to health and wellness. We encourage your body’s natural healing through quality, responsible chiropractic care and through the promotion of regaining strength and mobility through additional physical therapy and massage therapy.

Ultimately, we believe that a strong approach to accurately diagnosing and gently guiding our clients through proven hands-on and innovative therapies, we can form part of the healthcare team to improve our clients’ quality of life.

Strong Chiropractic can assist patients who are committed to helping the body heal itself. Through proper chiropractic care and hands-on therapies, this healing ensures that the spine, joints and nerves are assessed and treated to regain strength and range of motion. The outcome often includes achieving a healthier lifestyle, relieved of chronic pain and pressure.

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